23 August 2008

Home Sweet Home

We made it! This is our humble home for the next 10 months. Our window looks out onto Broadway. It's pretty cozy!
We arrived Wednesday afternoon and have been on the go ever since. I've walked more in these three days than I have since the beginning of this year! It's great exercise! Our first night here we walked 5 blocks to Kmart and got towels, pillows, dishes, silverware and a bunch of other necessities. We're slowly getting settled and seeing some fun things in the mean time.
Thursday we did more shopping and errands and then went for a walk in Central Park. Yesterday we went to the Statue of Liberty and the Financial District and today we did the Empire State Building. Both of us have been to some of these places before, but it's so fun going together!


Nik said...

YEAH! We love New York! Glad you guys are doing well. You tummy is so cute!!!!!!

Jonah said...

How convenient...if you get hungry in the night you can just reach over and grab something out of the refrigerator.

ac3olson said...

Looks like it has-cozily- everything you need! Glad you're enjoying the city. And so glad you're sharing it with us.

T. Kent Man said...


I'm still concerned about the lack of clothing variety (due to the space and shipping issues and such). I fear for your sanity -- and thus William's. We are praying that you make it through this trial and know that some day, when the time is right, you too can be reunited again with your shoes, fleece and other sweaters, shirts, belts, skirts, hats, accessories, workout gear, ski gear....

I'm just saying this from experience, as one who is married to a wonderful Ellison daughter!

It was awesome to see you both in Nevada. We miss you guys!
: )