16 May 2009

Good Bye, New York

I never thought this day would come. Yesterday, after Bill's graduation, we spent most of the day packing up. It's amazing how much we accumulated in such a small apartment. I guess having a baby will do that. Bill picked up the rental car and packed in as much as he could for the drive the today. This morning we woke up early, finished the packing and cleaning and sent Bill off.

Before Sam and I had to leave for the airport this afternoon, we went on one more walk over to Washington Square Park. This whole year, one half of the park, including the famous arch and fountain have been gated off for renovations. This is a picture through the fence. Wouldn't you know that it's scheduled to reopen this Monday. Just my luck!
Our friends, Stephanie and Joshua, were on the same flight as us so we tagged along with them to the airport. That is NOT a quick trip. First, the subway to Penn Station. Second, the LIRR to Jamaica Station. And third, the AirTrain to JFK. An hour and a half later, we boarded the plane only to sit on the runway for 2 hours due to traffic and bad weather. Finally we were off. Sam did pretty well. He had a few little outbursts, including when I had to change his diaper on the top of the toilet because there was no changing table. It was disgusting and I can't even think about it.
We landed an hour late, got picked up by my mom and brother, Dan and headed to my parents house. It's nice to be back in Utah, and I love seeing the mountains, but I still get a little teary when I think of our home for the last nine months. We really had a ball!

1 comment:

Kris said...

Ahhh, the joy of traveling with small children. The first time I flew with Ethan and a flight attendant told me to change his diaper on the top of the toilet, I almost died. I just couldn't do it, so I feel your pain...and nausea. Hope the move went well.