12 June 2010

Summer is here!

Now that we've been having warmer weather lately, we've been taking advantage! Last weekend, Bill had to work a few hours on Saturday, so Sam and I met him downtown for the Farmer's Market and lunch.
Strolling through the market
Checking out our state's Capitol Building
(Bill & Sam watching a helicopter)
Playing in the fountain on the Grove
Sam has now started working on his dribbling skills. He spends 80% of our time outside practicing over and over. He'll start with one ball and when that one gets away from him, he finds another and starts over. He is a very determined little guy!
Taking a break from his workout
I turned on a Baby Einstein video for him last night so I could start dinner. He normally won't stay put for long, but when I realized it had been quiet for a while, I peeked over the couch to find him like this. Those jungle animals are fascinating!

1 comment:

Lissy Sarvela said...

Oh, what a sweet little face. I can't wait to see it in person!