14 February 2011

A Week in Utah

Since this winter has seemed to just be dragging on and on, we went to Utah for a week for a change of scenery. Sam, Daniel and I stayed at my parents for a week. Bill drove down with us, stayed a few days and then flew home for a few to work. Then he flew back down for a couple and we all drove home together. It was a great week and went way too fast! We had a great time seeing some of our family and friends. We only wish we could have seen everyone!
While Bill was in town, we tried to do lots of fun things. One fav was the Aquarium. Since Sam is a huge Nemo fan, we had a hard time pulling him away from "Bruce".
Petting the sting rays
Daniel was a trooper
One morning we rode the "choo-choo train" (Trax). We didn't have a destination in mind since it was so cold out and would have had to walk outside once we got off. We just rode it to the end of the line and back to our car. Sam was in heaven with Grandma & Grandpa Ellison.
Sam conned both Grandma and Grandpa to play trains with him several times a day.
The days that Bill was gone were pretty crazy. It made me realize how much he helps me with the boys and how grateful I am for him!! Thank goodness for grandparents and cousins who were there to make the time more fun for Sam!
Sam and his cousin, Noah
Sam & his buddy, Drew G.
Pizza at the Anderson cousins house
On our way out of town I got to see my cousin Rob's new baby girl, Clara. Love the dark hair!
We had such a great time. I'm looking forward to another trip when the weather is warmer and we can see more friends!


hillary said...

I'm so sad I didn't get to see you when you were here. My parents said your boys were really cute. Riding trax without getting off is a great idea. I might have to steal that one :).

Aubrey said...

It was so much fun seeing you guys. Come back soon!

Kenningtons said...

We love the aquarium but don't go nearly enough. How fun that you were able to come visit your family for a few days!