25 November 2011


We had a wonderful, but quick, Thanksgiving trip to see Bill's eldest sister, Jacque & family and G & G Whitaker in Utah. Since it is the season of giving thanks, I won't complain too much that we could only leave late Wednesday evening and had to come home Friday afternoon so Bill could get back to work. We are definitely grateful for his job and everything it provides for us!
The boys had a ball playing with their Aunt Jacque, cousins, Erin, Holly and Chance and Grandpa & Grandma.
Making turkey hats
We caught Daniel with a mouthful of dog food a couple of times before moving it outside. He even got through the dog door once, but finally let it go. Poor Pepper got more attention than she probably wanted!
We had a lovely dinner and I even got to do a little Black Friday shopping with Jacque the next morning. Then we met Melinda, Carrie and their families for lunch in Bountiful before hitting the road back to Idaho. (My spare camera gave up too so I don't have pictures)
We had a great time and have so much to be grateful for. Happy Thanksgiving!

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