03 February 2009

On Second Thought...

I'm beginning to realize that we probably didn't think things all the way through when we signed up for the smallest apartment available. I remember rationalizing that many people keep their newborn in their bedroom for the first several months and figured that since Sam would only be 5 1/2 months old by the time we moved out, it would be no problem to be in a studio. What we didn't consider were the hours of the day that Sam should be sleeping, but we want to be up and about, i.e. on the computer, cooking, washing dishes, watching T.V. or anything else that makes even a little noise.
He has become so much more observant and aware of us in the last few weeks, that if he knows we're up, he wants to be up too! It's really thrown off any attempts to get him on a regular schedule. He's smiling a ton now and even starting to laugh a little. It's so fun!
Sam went with me to my bookclub meeting the other night. He was one of 4 brand new babies in our ward. He's had a little bit of a cold the last few days, but he's still such a happy boy!

1 comment:

Tauni said...

:) My goodness, how time flies! It's hard to believe how little time you have left in that fabulous studio apartment. For the time being however, sounds like Sam is giving you the perfect excuse to take a nap of your own...