12 September 2011


Sam started preschool this week! It is a group of six 2-3 year-old kids from our ward and the other five mothers and I take turns teaching in our homes. It is two hours every Monday and Thursday mornings and I taught the first week. We are learning the alphabet, so this week we studied the letter "A".
Nate, Amerie, Olivia, Spencer, Sam (Kenzie was absent)
We did a matching game with animals that begin with the letter A, colored pictures of the animals, read the story and learned the song, "The Ants Go Marching", had a snack of "Ants on a log" and apple slices and made a little "Autumn" craft.
The kids sat still pretty well most of the time, but the last half hour they were ready to just play. Daniel loved being part of the gang. Sam gets along with all of the kids pretty well (he's knows most of them from the nursery in our ward). I think this will be really good for him and help prepare him to be a Sunbeam next year. And the weeks it's not at our house will be really good for me so I can run errands with just Daniel. It will be a breeze!

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