26 September 2008

Can you die of boredom?

I hope not, but if you can, I might be the next casualty. Monday morning I finally got a call around 8:45 am from one of the FOUR temp agencies that I've signed up with. The job was for that morning through Wednesday at an engineering firm. I was so excited to finally have a job that I jumped in the shower, got ready in a flash and headed to midtown.
I have been trying for a month now to get some kind of temporary work to keep me busy until our baby arrives and to provide me with some extra spending money. I was getting pretty discouraged, so I was very excited about this opportunity...until I got there. I hate to complain, since I really feel like it was an answer to many prayers, but I'm struggling to understand why this firm felt like they needed a temp while their regular assistant is out. During the 30 hours that I have been here, I've done a total of probably 3 hours of work for them. On Tuesday, the supervisor asked me if I could stay through Friday instead since now the girl won't be back until Monday. I said yes, but I feel slightly guilty because, at this moment, they are paying me to update my blog.
I'm still hoping for another couple of weeks worth of work to come along. I just hope it's a little more stimulating!


Bonny said...

Hi Karen! I just found your blog. Brooks and I have been wondering how you guys are doing. Aren't temp jobs just the worst? Ick!

Brooks says hello!

Randy said...

This firm you're temping for sounds like Dunder-Mifflin. Who's in charge of the office olympics?