04 December 2008

Almost Home!

The doctor said Karen and Sammy get to come home tomorrow! Karen has been progressing well. It's only been two full days and it won't be quite three when she comes home. They took out her epidural and iv today (Thursday), and she actually fell asleep for an hour or so. She shares a room so it's not always quiet when she wants to sleep. Her cut seems to be healing okay, but laughing makes it hurt. This made it a little painful for Karen when her roommate, who has a deep voice, told the nurse that her newborn daughter is the Queen of Poop. Luckily there was a curtain between us so she didn't know we were trying not to laugh. You had to be there.
Sammy is doing great. He's had a few good feedings but is still learning the tricks of the trade. He likes to suck on fingers even when he's asleep. Sometimes when he cries his little chin quivers, and he is startled easily when he hears a loud noise. We think he's the cutest little thing on earth.
We turned in the birth certificate paperwork today and our special little guy will be known as Samuel Peter Whitaker. These pictures are from the night of the delivery. I took some more pictures today but I can't find the camera's computer cord right now. I'll post them tomorrow, along with some pictures of Sammy and Karen coming home!


Unknown said...

He is so sweet! We are so excited for you!!!!

Nik said...

Congrats you guys! We love you and can't wait for a chance to see him! Glad everything went well.

The Hansen Clan said...

He is so darling and his name is PERFECT! Congrats!