31 December 2008

Favorite Memory of 2008

How can I choose just one?! This has been such a wonderful year that picking one is nearly impossible. This picture sums it up for me.
This is our humble little Christmas tree. I had decided that we didn't need to decorate this year, but Bill surprised me with this tree and ornaments.
Since our beautiful Samuel was born, I have spent many hours rocking him in our chair, staring at this tree. I must have had a million thoughts run through my head. I thought about my trials that make me stronger, my Heavenly Father who comforts me, my amazing family and in-laws who love us so much, our great friends, our precious son who already makes us laugh and wears us out, and most of all, my sweet husband and best friend who works so hard, is such a good example to me and makes me want to be a better person.
To me, this tree represents my Savior who made all of these blessings possible. I'm so grateful for this holiday season. It has taken on new meaning for me this year and I'll never forget it.

1 comment:

Nettie Martin said...

2008 has been pretty great! We miss ya!