18 January 2009


It's freezing! It snowed again and the streets and sidewalks are very icy. We're trying to get this little guy out more often for some fresh air and a break from our close quarters. We're doing our best to keep Sam bundled up, but it's hard when the high is 13 degrees!
This getup is a little bit big, but he's growing so fast, it should fit better in no time.

We can't wait for spring!


Kris said...

I'm sure that will fit him faster than you want it to...at least that's how things work in my house. He's adorable.

Nettie Martin said...

I wish someone would put me in an oversized get up and push me around every time I had to go out in the cold. Sam is stinkin cute!

LaTour said...

He is so cute Karen! I can't wait to meet him! We are all ready for the summer too! Having babies in the winter is hard- all that dressing and staying inside..whew! Can't wait to see you soon!