26 October 2009

Almost there!

We are getting so close! We should be ready to move in, on schedule, in a couple of weeks. It's going to seem like an early Christmas morning when we get all of our belongings that have been in storage for 15 months now. It will be fun to remember just what we actually do own!
Since we're finally going to be in a permanent place now, we decided to change our blog to private. I'll be sending out an invitation to be able to view it with a username and password (it's really not too annoying to sign in), but if I don't have your email address or you don't get an invitation, email me at whitaker.karen@yahoo.com and I'll send you one!


Nettie Martin said...

Oh man. . . your house looks SO great! Quite a change from you NYC pad huh? =)

Robs said...

Looks great! I'm jealous of your lipless sink and island in your kitchen! When are you moving in?

Randy said...

The house looks great. BTW, in two or three years, you'll be surprised at how much stuff you own. You may even be tempted to throw out taped-up boxes you never opened after you moved in. OTOH, we've been in our house 10 years and there are still a couple of boxes like that. Somewhere. The garage, maybe?

Tauni said...

Wow. I am so jealous. New homes are sooo nice.
Don't forget to send me an email about your blog...I don't want to miss anything!