02 October 2009

Ten months!

The months just keep flying by! This little guy is all over the place now. Changing his diaper has become a major drama. The minute I turn to grab a diaper, he flips himself over to his hands and knees and is off like a shot. Even strapping him into his stroller can sometimes be tricky. He's been battling a cold for the last week, but is still as happy as ever! We just love him!


Tauni said...

Holy cow Karen. He looks so grown up and, I don't know if it's the photo or reality, but sooo tall.
It's crazy how time flies, isn't it?
Love reading about your house...

Kris said...

He's so cute. They do grow up quickly - and I can totally relate to the diaper changing drama. You can never be fast enough. ( : Good luck with that.

Aubrey said...

i am way behind on my blog reading. i can't believe he is already 10 months. time flies!